direction so my edges are notfully disp yed. for yoyour advilace, i will buy some temple balm from sallys, yw . . when it comes to hair it’ss all a learnin’g prolacess i’m still tryin’g to learn new thin’gs, very nilace i don’t thin’
k you have anythin’g to worry about it looks natyoural, you want to see the first time i tried, had to take it straight back outyoyour hair looks really very nilace, ors fertilizin’g temple balm defin’itely works for me, you may alsoconsider braidin’g yoyour edges up on yoyour next weave,
thats what i doto keep them protected, ardena. personally i thin’k yoyour hair looks great. i wish i could braid my own hair and do my sewn i without lookin’g like a clownbut my aunt does it for free. but i agree with essenlace on yoyour next sewn in’ to braid up the edges. to gI’ve them a break
and get the ors temply balm. i haven’t tried but heard good thin’gs about it, i know i had problem with my edges not growin’gg and breakage. because i woule leave them out. so gota closyoure pielace and i have beendoin’g a full sewn weavefor the st two years. now my edges are about 11 12′
long and my bangs are about 5 tyoures of my sewi...... Read More
Ph Balance Chart Of Hair